Source code for postgres_stats.aggregates

import six
from django.db.models import Aggregate

[docs]class Percentile(Aggregate): """ Accepts a numerical field or expression and a list of fractions and returns values for each fraction given corresponding to that fraction in that expression. If *continuous* is True (the default), the value will be interpolated between adjacent values if needed. Otherwise, the value will be the first input value whose position in the ordering equals or exceeds the specified fraction. You will likely have to declare the *output_field* for your results. Django cannot guess what type of value will be returned. Usage example:: from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField numbers = [31, 83, 237, 250, 305, 314, 439, 500, 520, 526, 527, 533, 540, 612, 831, 854, 857, 904, 928, 973] for n in numbers: Number.objects.create(n=n) results = Number.objects.all().aggregate( median=Percentile('n', 0.5, output_field=models.FloatField())) assert results['median'] == 526.5 results = Number.objects.all().aggregate( quartiles=Percentile('n', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], output_field=ArrayField(models.FloatField()))) assert results['quartiles'] == [311.75, 526.5, 836.75] results = Number.objects.all().aggregate( quartiles=Percentile('n', [0.25, 0.5, 0.75], continuous=False, output_field=ArrayField(models.FloatField()))) assert results['quartiles'] == [305, 526, 831] """ function = None name = "percentile" template = "%(function)s(%(percentiles)s) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY %(" \ "expressions)s)" def __init__(self, expression, percentiles, continuous=True, **extra): if isinstance(percentiles, (list, tuple)): percentiles = "array%(percentiles)s" % {'percentiles': percentiles} if continuous: extra['function'] = 'PERCENTILE_CONT' else: extra['function'] = 'PERCENTILE_DISC' if six.PY2: super(Percentile, self).__init__(expression, percentiles=percentiles, **extra) else: super().__init__(expression, percentiles=percentiles, **extra)